Boosting your Metabolism

Definition of metabolism:

Metabolism is the number of calories that you burn at any given moment. Your metabolism burns more calories while you are active then when you are at rest.

Metabolism, measured in oxygen consumption (because oxygen is inhaled to facilitate the breakdown of glucose) measured immediately after exercise then 10, 20, 30 minutes after.

the pink line is the metabolism as measured *before* exercise began.

Things you can do to raise your metabolism:

1. Workout with weights

By lifting weights you build more muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat. Therefore, working out with weights will speed up your metabolism.

2.Eat more often

By eating more often you will be spreading your calories between 5 to 6 small meals a day. These calories will be used for energy instead of being stored as fat. The combination of smaller, more frequent meals allows your body to get nutrients when it needs them. When you give the body small doses of energy throughout the day it will use this energy instead of your muscle tissue. When you wait a long time between meals your metabolism slows down because it thinks that you are starving yourself. By eating frequent meals you will stabilize your blood sugar levels and help to avoid dips in energy, which cause you to head for the nearest vending machine.

3.Cardio work

Cardio work is a good way to burn calories, and speed up your metabolism. You should be training in your target heartrate. Your target heartrate is calculated as follows: 220 minus your age, multiplied by 0.6 = lower limit 220 minus your age, multiplied by 0.8 = upper limit By staying within these limits you will be utilizing the most fat while sparing muscle.


There are many stimulants out there that contain ma-haung, caffeine and aspirin. These three ingredients together make a very potent stimulant. Stimulants will help you to boost your metabolism, but they will only work for a short time because your body will adapt to them.

Here is a way to estimate your "Basal Metabolic Rate"

Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is a measure of how fast your metabolism is running. It's the number of calories you burn to keep your heart beating, to keep you breathing, to keep your muscles alive, etc. It's the number of calories your body needs while at rest.

Women: 661 + (4.38 x weight in pounds) + (4.33 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age) = BMR

Men: 67 + (6.24 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.9 x age) = BMR

To estimate the TOTAL number of calories your body needs per day, multiply your BMR by the appropriate number below.

* 0.9 if you are sedentary and have yo-yo or crash dieted frequently during the past two years
* 1.2 if you are sedentary
* 1.3 if you are moderately active (exercise 3 days per week or equivalent)
* 1.7 if you are very active
* 1.9 if you are extremely active

This is only a way to estimate caloric expenditure.

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