Regular Exercises That Are Good For Weight Loss


Walking is great. No expertise or equipment is required, you can do it anytime and it's free. What's more, provided you do it regularly and for long enough, walking can be just as beneficial as any of the more vigorous activities (like jogging etc).

* Take a 10 minute walk, twice a day.
* Gradually extend yourself each week by walking longer and faster.
* Swing your arms at the same time.
* Start walking up gentle slope, then steeper slopes as you become fitter.

Aim to walk briskly (swinging your arms) for 30 minutes, each day. This should include at least one reasonably steep slope.


For most people, especially those who are very overweight, swimming is even better than walking.

* Swim twice a week for 15 minutes.
* Increase the length of your swim and your work rate while in the water.
* Aim to build up to about 30 minutes a day, or 45 minutes twice a week.

Cycling / Jogging

Start with a short easy routine, 10-15 minutes per day and gradually work up to about 30 minutes a day. Gradually increase your work rate, without straining yourself and if jogging, invest in a good pair of running shoes that offer cushioned support.
Exercise or Aerobics classes

These classes can be great fun. Moreover, many fitness centers offer a variety of classes to suit a variety of fitness levels.
Exercise at home

If you can't get out, or if the weather is bad, organize an indoor exercise routine for yourself.

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